Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Plastic bag less!

Have you seen lately the eco-friendly bags of Rustan's and SM Supermarket? I'm so glad that supermarkets are getting to be more and more conscious of the use of plastics.

I'm not a die hard ecologist but it does not take a genius to know that it takes more than 500 years for plastic to decompose. The world consumes 100 million tons plastic annually. Can you imagine how much plastic will be in our land fills in 20 years? Check out this article.

So, when i saw the Environment-friendly bag of Rustan's, I got one and started using it. It costs P99.00 each but they give you additional perks like doubling your Rewards Points for everything that can fit in your eco friendly bag.

It also looks nice and chic for someone who just came from a grocery. It's a shoulder bag with green straps. It really looks better than carrying 2 or 3 plastic bags.

You can also bring it with you while shopping in Organic Markets. It may lessen your plastic bag consumption by 2 or 3 bags a week, that's a dozen plastic bags in a month. Not bad! :-)

I think it's more difficult to get it from SM Supermarkets since you need to buy 1 Unilever product and 5 yellow tag products or something like that. I hope they make it easier to get so people can use this more than plastic.

Of course, the more tedious part is remembering to bring it with you everytime you go to the grocery. It's a small price to pay though for saving the world that we live in. So think about it this way, everytime you bring your eco-friendly bag, you save one fish in the ocean who can be trapped with the plastic bag floating around the sea. :-)

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